Note: Fred's Masterclass was held in late 2021 and these are the recordings of that class.
We will have Fred revisit live  from time to time for discussion topics.

Join Fred Provenza and Friends
in a 12 Part Recorded Masterclass 
Recorded Live Masterclass sessions recorded over 12 weeks
with over 2 hours each week of
presentations and discussion

Your VIP Access Includes:
  • Access to 12 x 2 hour Zoom Sessions
  • Access to Video Recordings
  • Access to Audio Recordings
  • Access to Private Discussion Forum
  • Access to Download Resource Papers
  • Access to 10 Related Bonus Videos 
  • Recorded Sessions with Special Guests ~ Cole Bush, Nicole Masters 
  • Recorded Session with Special Guests ~ Glenn Elzinga and his daughter Linnaea
  • Recorded Session with Special Guest ~ Glenn Elzinga & his The Carbon Calculator
Included Bonus
 12 Month Membership to Regen Ag Insiders

What is the Regen Ag Insiders?

• Regular Guests speaking on a range of topics relating to Regen Ag.
• Regen Ag Masterclass Community
• Regular Discussion sessions
• Share Back Sessions where members can share their experiences
• Virtual Summit's
• Mini Take Action classes with accountability
• Priority Offer for Future Masterclasses
• Much much more as we go.

We will host special Masterclasses a couple times a year where you can take a deep dive on a topic with an expert teacher.
(These will be an extra cost determined at the time depending on the person training).

As an Insider you can request who and what topic is covered and will get first offer to these limited classes at a discount to what non members will pay.
Video I Made Prior to Live Masterclass 
Recorded Sessions
RCS Convergence Conference
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Access Virtually Anywhere
You can access the live sessions on Zoom and the recorded sessions can be viewed on your computer or the dedicated  RegenAg Masterclass App on your phone or ipad.
Week #1
Creative Systems
Week #2
Let Feed Be Thy Medicine
Week #3
Let Food Be Our Medicine
Week #4
Q and A ~ Discussion Time
Week #5
Alderspring Ranch
Week #6
Transgenerational Linkages
with Landscapes
Session #1

Being able to connect so many pieces of information and look at the whole of our lives, our animals lives, and the life we share on earth was absolutely energizing for me!
This was true holism and it fed my soul to be able to think with and express myself with others who understood the importance of viewing the wholes.
                                                             ~Melinda Sims, Wyoming

Week #7
Transgenerational Linkages
with Landscapes
Session #2

Learning together with like minded people from around the world. The group had a great mix of experience from many different back grounds.
While this course was online it was facilitated in a way the participants experience a true connection and capacity to share their own knowledge.
Its a credit to both Grahame and Fred for creating the conditions for such conversation to flow.

                                                             ~Michael Gooden, NSW
Week #8
For the Love of Soil
with Nicole Masters
Week #9
Awakening Conciousness
Think of it as a lush diverse healthy ecosystem full of active organisms all working and supporting each other.
We feed off each other and create new growth.
After being a part of this the hunger keeps building and I am seeking/craving more.

I feel like the kids consuming to meet my cravings and looking for alternatives.
Can't imagine going back to a mono culture life.
Knowledge, sharing, growth.
                                                                                                                         ~Lee Sexton, Canada
Week #10
Q and A - Discussion
If somebody wants to maintain their stand or progress the way they work or live with the land, the Regen AG Masterclass is an exceptional place to meet highly qualified people and some of the pioneers and top professionals in the matter.                                                                                            ~Francois Comunetti, Montana
Week #11
Q and A - Discussion
My name is Brittany Cole Bush, AKA  Cole.  Eldest of 6 daughters, born to goodly parents in the southern coastal parts of California. After years of being seasonally nomadic with a home base in the Bay Area of Northern California I have made a full circle back to Southern California now stewarding 240 acres of land in the Ojai Valley of Ventura County.

I call myself a modern-day urban shepherdess, shepherding animals, people, and projects. Working in both the built landscapes of urban metropolises as well as on the land with my comrade graziers, I am committed to supporting a new era of working on the land with livestock and innovative agrarian entrepreneurship. My work takes place in the fields of education and advocacy for the good food & fiber movement, supporting efforts to enhance ecological health of the land and using carefully managed grazing as an effective tool to reduce fire hazardous vegetation.

Passionate about connecting conscious consumers closer to the source of what they consume and use, I am the co-founder/owner of a sheep and goat hide enterprise called Shepherdess Holistic Hides.  We source our hides regionally from sheep and goats “raised and grazed”  in the American West, working to highlight the stories of select ranchers and farmers that dedicatedly raise their animals with care, ethically and humanely. I also enjoy the craft of working with leather and make custom to spec practical things for daily use.
Week #12
Glenn Elzinga ~ Carbon Calculator
Glenn returns with his outline on the Carbon Calculator, the
Carbon capture and Life Cycle Analysis, Alderspring Ranch, May, Idaho USA
RCS Convergence Conference
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 Fred Provenza with Grahame Rees
 Fred Provenza with Grahame Rees
Nourishment by Fred Provenza
What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom.
Nourishment by
Fred Provenza

What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom.